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007: Trusting Your Intuition and The Power of Compassion with Lissa Rankin

This episode was really fun for me as I’ve been tuning in to Lissa’s message through her books, website, and social media for a few years now. Her material has been key in helping me trust my intuition, go within, and continue to trust what she calls our Inner Pilot Light.

Lissa Rankin, MD, New York Times bestselling author of Mind Over Medicine, The Fear Cure, and The Anatomy of a Calling is a physician, speaker, founder of the Whole Health Medicine Institute, and mystic. Passionate about what makes people optimally healthy and what predisposes them to illness, she is on a mission to merge science and spirituality in a way that not only facilitates the health of the individual, but also uplifts the health of the collective. Bridging between seemingly disparate worlds, Lissa is a connector, collaborator, curator, and amplifier, broadcasting not only her unique visionary ideas, but also those of cutting edge visionaries she discerns and trusts, especially in the field of her latest research into “Sacred Medicine.” Lissa has starred in two National Public Television specials and also leads workshops, both online and at retreat centers like Esalen and Kripalu. She lives in the San Francisco Bay area with her daughter. She blogs at and posts regularly on Facebook.

Lissa dives into these key lessons

  • Sacred medicine, energy healing, and disruptive world view technologies
  • The importance of acute care in medicine
  • Where medicare and medicine can improve when it comes to chronic illness
  • Merging Western Medicine and “Alternative Medicine”
  • Bringing openness to our model of healing
  • From seeing 40 patience a day to training health care providers in “The 6 Steps to Healing Yourself”
  • You can quit your job but you can’t quit your calling
  • Following one breadcrumb at a time
  • Trusting your intuition
  • Making choices, taking risks and seeing how it goes
  • Lissa shares her list of discernment questions
  • The shift from the analyzing mind to discernment questions
  • Learning to trust your compass
  • How some of the people who were doing all the right stuff were some of the sickest people Lissa saw
  • Spontaneous remission
  • Why fighting against something doesn’t work and how to trigger sacred activism
  • Holding the paradox of being and doing
  • The act of doing coming from an inspired action
  • Having and developing compassion – The 21 Day Practicing Compassion Challenge
  • Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes
  • The inner critic can attack others, so handle that first
  • Comforting the “inner critic” instead of making it wrong

Click to Tweet Lissa’s quote

“I am in agreement with life and I resist nothing”

Connect with Lissa on social media

Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Website


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“I never understand when people make a fuss over me as a writer. I’m just the garden hose that the water sprays through.” ~ Joyce Carol Oats