Never Hope for Inspiration…
Start by Eliminating These 9 Thieves


If you want to reinvigorate your spark, bringing a deeper sense of meaning and purpose to your life, then this will show you how.

My name is Jeff Agostinelli. I’m a Curator of the Human Spirit, Personal Coach, and host of The Next Level podcast.

This past year I noticed something…

From my private clients, to the cashier at the checkout line at Whole Foods, to the millions of people head down staring at a screen… they all seemed half asleep. I don’t know if it’s something in the water or what, but it got me thinking.

Why does it seem like so many people are dead inside?

It’s not too surprising when you hear stats like this… In a recent Gallup article:

…85% of employees are not engaged or actively disengaged at work. Eighteen percent are actively disengaged in their work and workplace, while 67% are “not engaged.”

But what actually causes this?


The Thieves of Inspiration


Little by little the thieves of inspiration rob people of their joy and zest for life, handing over their spark to:

  1. Overwhelm
  2. Comparison and envy
  3. Overthinking and not acting
  4. Doing for the sake of staying busy
  5. Lack of faith in your own abilities
  6. Fear of failing again because you have failed in the past
  7. Procrastination
  8. Laziness
  9. Being stressed out and nervous

These thieves are familiar… like an old friend. But they are keeping people from living.

Continuing down the same path and hoping for the best seems like a plausible option, but I too quickly found out this wasn’t the answer.


There’s a way to take it back
but it doesn’t happen by just hoping


I remember when I used to wait for inspiration to strike. Hoping that someday all of this would change. That the overwhelm would just go away. That I would finally feel comfortable in my own skin and that I would be impervious to comparison. That eventually I would have less to do and I could finally relax. That someday I would finally feel like I had everything under control. That fear would eventually be non-existent. That I could continue with traditional time management and that would somehow cure my procrastination. That the stress would somehow go away when things got better.

But that day never came and I realized something… I just don’t give a shit.

I started to wonder what it would look like to actually care about what mattered to me. Not because someone else cared, but because I did.

I started to wonder what it would actually feel like to give a shit.

Inevitably this led me down the path of learning. Wondering how other people cared enough about what they believed in to actually do something about it and through over 100 interviews, private clients and coffee shop conversations, I noticed a few things about the people who actually gave a shit and who were actually getting results

  • They placed their values at the top of their list
  • They cared about honoring the call that is unique to them.
  • They give credence to their ideas and trust that they are gifts to be given.
  • They have cultivated a way to be in the world that works for them, independent of the approval of others.
  • They fan the flame of spirit. They heed the call of their creator (fill in your version… God, Great Spirit, Buddha…)

This in combination with slaying the 9 thieves was just the right mixture.

My guess is there is something that lights you up…

You likely already know what that fire is… there is something that lights you up, something that you want to stand for. It could be triggered by seeing people unnecessarily struggle with their health, handing their power over to doctors when you know there’s a better solution.

It could be as simple as wanting to be the best parent you can possibly be for your child, or rekindling the spark in your relationship.

If deep down you have a sense that there’s more to life than just the day to day, if you’ve had something tugging that you just can’t shake, but you don’t want to rock the boat, maybe it’s time to Find Your Fire?

You see, it is possible to find the thing that makes you come alive, but the thieves of inspiration must be tamed.

In my year in review I noticed these 5 major lessons that keep these thieves in check and this was the birth of Find Your Fire…

  1. The most powerful thing you can do is put yourself around people who are committed to change, knowing themselves more, and creating deeper meaning in their life… people who are in line with your top values. The support, the sounding board, the power of other people to inspire you and also help you see that we all struggle at times is huge. Going internal to tune in is awesome, but learn your lesson quickly and move on. There’s no shame asking for help.
  2. If you don’t focus on it, it ain’t gonna change. Making big commitments is great, but if you don’t have a system in place for staying the course, for putting consistent attention on and action into your goals, you’ll fail before you ever get started. Review and refine accordingly.
  3. Find out what works for you and honor YOUR process. It’s hard to try and be somebody else and think that you have to do it their way to be successful. Do what makes you feel more like you and be cool with that.
  4. Getting it out there is more important than getting it perfect. It’s easy to sit and think and deliberate. It’s even easier to convince yourself that it’s a good thing. Don’t get caught up in perfect execution, just focus on your home (your center, your home frequency) and follow the queues one step at a time. Trust that shit. (I used to think that perfect execution was more important than doing and refining. This was one of the biggest trip ups ever! AND was one of the reasons I waited way too long to start the solo rounds.)
  5. The light casts a shadow, don’t be afraid of it. AND you can never actually get a hold of a shadow, so just notice it. (yes, metaphorical and… this one is liberating)



In this 90 day group coaching and guided experience, you’ll have the support, accountability, and mentorship to reinvigorate your spark and Find Your Fire.

Over the course of 90 days you’ll:

  • Identify habits and behaviors that keep you stuck and know how to consistently move into action
  • Find out what matters most and use this to guide your thoughts, words, actions, and feelings in the direction of your goals
  • Leverage the power of the group and stay accountable
  • Redefine what failure and success mean to you
  • Review 2017 and clear the year to start fresh on 2018
  • Tap into a deeper sense of self and bring more meaning into your life
  • and MORE…

Here’s what’s included with the program:

  • Live group coaching with me each week
  • Access to the Find Your Fire Facebook Group
  • Exclusive bonus trainings and Planner

This isn’t for everyone, and I’m looking for a small group of committed individuals for this experience. To make sure you’re a good fit for Find Your Fire, submit an application to get started.