This Is Why Your Messaging Is Confusing Your Customer

When you’ve developed a level of mastery with your craft you overestimate the level of understanding of your customers. 

And one of the biggest mistakes I see coaches make in the transformational and personal development space is that they’re just too smart.

They use more sophisticated language which is a reflection of their level of mastery and experience on the topic.

This builds credibility and authority.

But it doesn’t always connect and convert.

And while that lands with other coaches and professionals, it doesn’t touch the hearts of those you can serve.

When most people hear this they think something along the lines of 

“I’m not in the business of trying to convince people.” 

And I wholeheartedly agree.

If you’re seeing mostly coaches and colleagues comment and engage with your posts it’s because you’re speaking at their level. 

You need to dial it back.

This does not mean you need to dumb it down.

And it definitely doesn’t mean you’re trying to convince people who don’t want or need convincing. 

The reason some people get pissed off in the comments is that those are the ones who won’t change or who teach something to the contrary.

What you have isn’t for them. 

And that’s 100% okay.

That’s the way it should be.

Messaging done well polarizes.

It deeply connects with those who it’s for and triggers those who it’s not for.

When my clients have dialed back their messaging in the way I’m about to unpack they see instant results.

Here’s a great example.

I recently supported a former client and friend with a simple messaging tweak.

And within 24 hours he had a flood of applications for his program and sales for a digital product.

That’s what messaging shifts do.

Because you’re speaking at a level where people can hear you.

Here’s the example

If you continue to utilize psilocybin, plant medicine, Rapé, or any ‘natural’ substance to ‘enhance your mental performance, at an advanced level you are actually bypassing the very block that is arising to inform you of its innate intelligence.

You will never expand beyond your own limitations, which is why you still repeat debilitating patterns even with a multi-million dollar house.

Sure we all need a boost of mental clarity, with life stresses, mortgages to pay, especially in our society.

But if you’re driven, married, kids, have the impact-driven business, and still find yourself plateauing even at your level of success, especially after 40, then it’s time to realize that those substances are the blocks limiting your energetic expansion.

SOLUTION: At this stage you have to INCREASE YOUR ENERGETIC CAPACITY to hold greater Life Force Energy.

As you are made of quantum data within every subatomic particle and thought formed into holographic experience, every ounce of energetic friction arising is your ultimate fuel. But if you have a pill biochemically blocking you from naturally accessing it, you will hit a glass ceiling of expansion.

The irony is we seek medicinals to help expand our consciousness when we are walking, talking, thinking, acting consciousness.

These substances take you from level 1 to 3 out of 5. 

But to reach level 5+++ you need to capture the energetic data directly blocking you from Source.

See my HIGHLIGHTS under ‘METHOD’ for more on our Living Immersion Method with my wife @amandaleeattar

A surrender of your body, breath and mind WITHIN the energetic friction of your blocks to self-induce an electromagnetic state to naturally transform.

No psilocybin needed that suppresses the intelligence of your current state in the now. The most potent fuel source there is.

We’ll teach you the HOW to let go let God on a DNA level and naturally amplify your toroidal field beyond what anything outside of you can do.

Plant medicine are a needed stage but as you advance consciousness (we) needs to sense every morsel of energy within us on our own to truly develop deep intimacy with our powerful nature.

Philip & Amanda-Lee Attar

Link to post on Instagram

So what’s happening here?

The first part of this that’s highlighted is written in plain English. 

It’s relatively light on technical language. 

In fact, during our conversation, I told him to go 50/50 (plain English/technical language) whereas before it was more 80% technical and 20% plain English.

Now, there’s a popular trend in the space where pointing out what someone is feeling is somehow “rubbing salt in my audience’s wound.

I disagree with this perspective.

It has nothing to do with rubbing salt in a wound or twisting the knife.

It’s bringing a specific situation to light that has gone ignored.

That situation usually has a problem associated with it and a level of avoidance, misunderstanding, and ultimately misdirection.

When your messaging is more balanced between technical language and plain English you achieve two very important things:

1. Your audience sees how you can help them solve a current problem 

While nervous system regulation, polyvagal theory, and energetic capacity are incredibly interesting, they aren’t relatable for the vast majority of the population.

When someone has to define terms and understand the rest of what you’re saying in a written piece there are just too many steps to take. 

But speaking to what they’re feeling emotionally and how a problem affects them on a daily basis takes it out of theory and puts it into practice.

It paints a clear picture of how you can support them.

2. Your audience feels deeply understood

When someone comments with “Thank you for so beautifully putting this into words!!!🙌🙌🙌. Your post is refreshing.” or “Thank you for articulating this so well. 🤍” you just made a connection.

This is the beginning of one of the most powerful and challenging things to do in marketing.

Build trust.

When you connect with your audience and build trust, you have the seeds of something great.

Trust matters way more than any other metric.

When you have an intangible offer, it can be easy to complicate your message. 

You may get decent engagement and even grow a following, but those people don’t translate to customers.

That’s most likely because they don’t understand what’s in it for them.

They’re inspired, but they can’t see what that turns into.

The benefit and transformation or application aren’t clear. 

Some would argue, and I used to as well, that if it goes over someone’s head then it’s not for them. 

While this isn’t entirely wrong, it’s limiting.

There’s a huge segment of the population who knows they have a problem but have accepted their problem as fact. 

Speaking in technical language keeps them scrolling.

Until they see something that’s closer to where they are.

The proportion of your message that should be technical and plain English is different for everyone. But general guidelines do apply.

Lead with plain English. Go deeper with technical language.

Meet people where they’re at.

Don’t be afraid to call it how you see it.

You will trigger people.

And that’s okay.

The ones who it’s meant for will hear it.

Until next time,
Jeff Agostinelli

P.S. Here are a few ways I can help:

#1 – Ready to go pro and create systems for predictable cash flow? Working with me 1:1 is the fastest way to do that. Book a time to explore working together here.​

#2 – Do you have a system for content creation and idea generation? – Grab my Creator Dashboard here. (FREE)

#3 – Struggling to share your story in a way that connects with your audience? – 10 Days of Personal Story Prompts and Posts

#4 – Want to know what gear I use for my videos? Grab my Gear Guide​

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For coaches and creators who want to master their message and take their business to the next level