Personalized Coaching To Help You Grow Your Business, Get Back Your Time And Enjoy Your Success.

Get Out Of Your Own Way and Take Powerful Action On The Things That Matter Most

You Want It All

If you’re like most entrepreneurs and business owners I know, you want it all.

  • The successful business.
  • The perfect body.
  • The invigorating dynamic relationship.
  • A wealth of experiences, travel, and adventure.
  • Your version of luxury at it’s finest.

And because you want it all you take on as much as you possibly can, starting more than you can finish

But you end up closer to burnout than you do having this list ☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽

Whether you’re the overachieving enrepreneur or the scattered creative, you both have the same problem.

The Curse of More

One one side of the spectrum you want all the wide open space for the creative muse to do it’s work.

And on the other… you attack your goals with speed and power because… you love the pursuit.

The best part is…

The solution is the same.

No matter where you fall on the spectrum from scattered creative to overachieving entrepreneur what’s needed is a container.

The plan.

The path.

The system.

The process that helps you choose in every moment what’s most important.

Because when you’re can’t contain and harness this energy, your goals and dreams stay just out of reach.

You can see it and taste it.

But because you can’t harness the energy to get there, they elude you.

This coaching container is designed to help you trim the fat and focus on what matters most so you can have YOUR picture perfect life and business.

A Method That’s Helping Coaches and Creators Hit 10-20k Months

Without paid ads, dancing and pointing, or complicated tech and funnels

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Over the past 5 years, I’ve helped Coaches and Creators just like you craft offers they feel confident about, get crystal clear on their messaging, book more calls, and hit their monthly income goals.

Especially those with more of a micro following (less than 10,000 followers).

The truth is, you don’t need to have a huge following to hit 10 and 20k months.

You just need to speak to the right people while knowing in your bones that you have something that can absolutely change their life.

It took me years and investing over $100,000 in coaches, courses, and products before I realized I was doing it all wrong.

I was focused on growing my following instead of tending to the one I had.

Once I stopped chasing vanity metrics and started focusing on serving people things started to shift.

I stopped…

  • going for likes and comments and started focusing on connecting with individuals I could support
  • trying to recreate a style of content that was so not me and found a style that I could get obsessed with creating
  • Thinking I always needed to create a new offer and focused on making my one signature offer the best it could be
  • And so much more...

The result has been a multiple six-figure business with just one high ticket offer and supporting my clients to collectively generate millions of dollars in sales.

All on their own terms.

How I Can Help

As a coach, I work with coaches and creators to create crystal clear marketing and messaging around their signature offer so they can craft effective content and enroll clients while feeling aligned and on purpose.

Here’s what some of that could look like:

  • Develop a clear understanding of exactly what you need to do every day to hit your income goals for the month
  • Stop hoping your content works to bring in ideal clients and have a proven formula for testing specific styles and types of messages that bring in your ideal clients.
  • Have a system for effortless marketing and content creation where everything is managed in one central place
  • Clarify who you serve and your signature offer so you know exactly who you’re looking for
  • Create the confidence necessary to show up consistently in order to build a business that lasts
  • And so much more…

How It Works

I start everyone with a 90-day container.

The mechanics are simple.

How we’ll work together over those 90 days…

  • Zoom calls every week (recorded)
  • Text and voice note support in between sessions through Telegram
  • Email support for content reviews through Google Docs
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Meet Your Coach

Coach | Creator | Athlete

Hey there, I'm Jeff Agostinelli.

Over the past 5 years, I've supported coaches and creators just like you to hit their monthly goals 10-20k months by focusing on what matters most in their business.

The reality is that there is so much we could focus on to grow our businesses and connect with our ideal clients. But more options is not better.

In fact, more to choose from makes it even more challenging.

I'm obsessed with helping coaches and creators sort through the noise and focus on what produces results for them.

After trying every approach under the sun I finally realized that there are just a few things at the core that matter. Once those things are clear, you can plug them into any approach.

If you've tried all the one size fits all approaches and you're ready to find your approach that combines your unique strengths and passions, then let's chat.

Meet Your Coach

Coach | Creator | Athlete

Hey there, I'm Jeff Agostinelli.

Over the past 5 years, I've supported creators just like you to implement structure and systems into their business so they can hit those 10-20k months.

At the core, I'm a creative who struggled to market my services and discovered ways to make it fun and in a lot of ways train it like a sport.

I'm obsessed with video creation, crafting messages that sound the way you talk, and having as much fun as possible in the process.

The reality is being a coach and creator is incredibly challenging.

My passion is supporting you in finding ways to make it so that you can show up day in and day out, create work you're proud of, and help people in the process.

What To Expect

This is not a one-size-fits-all all approach.

We go where we need to go for you to hit the goals you set when we start.

We do this via 2 paths.

The short term

The long term

In the short term, we refine your messaging, offer, and strategy so you can book more calls and enroll more clients now.

We also put systems in place for the long term so you have a clear path of execution on what to do moving forward to continue having results.

Included in this 90-day container you’ll also get my templates and resources for:

  • Different post types and when to use them
  • An offer sales page template for your coaching or group program
  • A Creator Dashboard using Notion where you’ll keep all your content ideas, track progress, manage projects, and more.
  • A gear guide for what to use for creating great content
  • And more…
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