With an elite athlete’s approach to mindset and marketing for coaches and creators, Jeff’s methods are around developing endurance, overcoming resistance, and developing a plan to exceed your goals all while learning to fall in love with the process of marketing. In his 10 years in the industry, he’s seen that those who absolutely crush the game are those that are willing to go the extra mile and play full out.
His current focus is helping coaches and creators grow their 1:1 coaching business by leaning into their edges, mastering the art of messaging, and overcoming their resistance to selling.
Jeff is passionate about helping coaches and creators get in touch with their full power and gifts and express that in the world.
How I got here

Sometimes the path doesn’t make sense while you’re on it. But looking back things make perfect sense.
Originally I really want to help people. I was good at math and science so my parents and a lot of well-meaning people thought it would be a good move to become a doctor. After graduating college a new path unfolded.
In the midst of studying for my med school entrance exam, I heard something crystal clear. It was a clear “NO”. My instant response was what do you mean “NO”? I had just spent most of my teenage years studying my ass off for something and now I’m getting this clear no that this isn’t for me.
Once I came to terms with that things started to unfold.
Within a couple of months, I found out my cousin was cooking a Macrobiotic diet for her husband who was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer.
It wasn’t too long before I found out that his cancer went into remission. And stayed there. He ended up living 15 years longer than the doctors said he would.
I felt like I found the thing I was really meant to do. I started looking for ways to really learn how to do this style of cooking. At first, I moved out to the Hollywood Hills to shadow my cousin in the kitchen and soon after flew out to the Berkshires in Becket Massachusetts where I started doing some of the basic macrobiotic chef training. Eventually, I went all in. I flew back to Los Angeles, packed up my car, and drove back to the East coast.
In the time that I started this venture, I went from bodybuilding and weighing 195 lbs (vowing I would NEVER be a vegetarian or vegan) to losing almost 50 lbs in the first few months once I stopped eating enough food to maintain that weight and almost completely stopped lifting weights.
What an initiation.
After my training, I started cooking at the retreat center. And when I got the confidence to start doing this on my own, I was a live-in private chef for people with stage 3 and stage 4 cancer. At some point, I incorporated raw foods and fasting into the mix too.
If you’re following, I originally got into this whole chef thing as a healing modality.
I was cooking a prescribed diet for these people that was supposed to treat the condition they had.
Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t.
Some lived. Some died.
Being so close to these people over the years I got to see how they lived, how their relationships were, what they believed, and what their attitude was like. Pretty much everything that made them who they are.
I started seeing there was way more to this healing equation than just the things we put in our mouths and how we live.
After 7 years as a chef I began an inquiry… what else is there?
Little did I know that this was going to send me down a DEEP rabbit hole.
First I came across the work of Esther and Jerry Hicks and then everything else followed suit.
Next thing I knew I was in a room learning about something called Conscious Language.
The person being facilitated in the room was processing something from her childhood.
After the coaching, she missed a call from her mom. Her Mom was calling to resolve some long-standing issues between them. It was EXACTLY what this woman in the room was processing.
I thought…
How is it that a woman in Santa Monica California is healing her relationship with her Mom across the country and while she’s doing that her mom calls?
I couldn’t shake it.
I had to learn this next.
I went super deep into different types of consciousness and healing technologies.
Things like…
Conscious Language
Sacred Body Language Translations
Bio Optic Holography
All different ways to enter into facilitation with the aim to support someone in healing.
To get even more proficient I worked with this company for the next few years facilitating live events.
We would tour the United States doing a variety of events form evening intros to 10-day plus facilitator trainings.
And we had everything with us perfectly packed into a lifted Dodge Ram extended cab truck.
I mean everything.
Speakers, stands, sound box, cameras, binders, printing material, headsets… EVERYTHING.
It was full-on, to say the least.
Eventually, when I wanted to offer this stuff on my own I had a new problem.
I had a handful of powerful transformational tools that I could use to support people but I had no fricken clue how to tell people about this. Let alone how to get clients.
Next stop… marketing.
I did a deep dive into digital marketing, developing courses, and launching coaching programs.
I went back to this company, got brought on as executive director, and went on to partner with them in bringing 40 plus products, programs, and facilitator trainings to the market and bringing everything from offline to online.
This was another 7-year journey.
Eventually, I went off on my own.
Today I support coaches and creators to build their coaching business to 20 and 30k months organically.
I LOVE helping people make money. There’s nothing more satisfying to me than getting a message from a client who just had their first 20k month. Or some, their first 100k month.
What started as me supporting people to heal has ended up with me supporting coaches and creators to heal their relationship with money and fully step into who they are.
Money can’t buy happiness but it sure does give you a lot of options to do what it is you actually want to do with this one life.