M&M: Neutrality and Knowing When To Break the Rules

Mindset and Marketing for Coaches and Creators

Thursday’s Mindset and Marketing for Coaches and Creators gives you actionable frames on (1) how to think about your business and how you can be more effective and (2) different shifts you can utilize to take your personal brand message and marketing to the next level.



There are many ways you can respond to life events. Taking a neutral stance is likely one of the most underrated approaches. It’s often seen as complacent. 

But it’s far from it.

Dr. David Hawkins talks about neutrality in this way…

To be Neutral means to be relatively unattached to outcomes; not getting one’s way is no longer experienced as defeating, frightening, or frustrating. At the Neutral level, a person can say, “Well, if I don’t get this job, then I’ll get another.”

Adopting a mindset of neutrality removes friction, neediness, and having an agenda.

It allows us to build true confidence unattached to outside circumstances.


Master the Rules THEN Break Them

There are methods that work and some that don’t.

There are also some that work well for some people rather than for others.

Regardless of the appropriateness of the strategy, applying yourself long enough to see results is massively essential.

Whether it’s… 

Organic social media marketing
Facebook Ads
Monetizing a Facebook Group
Running paid traffic to a webinar and book a call funnel…

Sticking with one strategy long enough to iterate, make adjustments, and see results is critical.

Once you understand the rules of the game and you nail your process for achieving some level of results in one (or however many you and your team) area, then you can test and try new things.

Constantly changing strategies is like digging up seeds to see if they’ve sprouted.

They just won’t grow that way.

I see too many coaches and creators with A LOT to offer get weighed down by just scratching the surface of one way of marketing before they jump ship and go to another offer or strategy.

Plant enough seeds, water them well, know how to nurture them, and help them grow.

Then branch out to new ones.

Results speak louder than words

I’d LOVE to hear how you’re applying these strategies and what results you’re seeing. Send in your story or how you put this into practice, and what you say as a result. I’ll publish it in the newsletter. When you do, let me know if you’d prefer to remain anonymous and I’ll just publish the story minus the name.

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Until next week,
Jeff Agostinelli