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154: 3 Subtle Shifts That Will Change The Way You Work


Today I talk about 3 subtle but powerful shifts that will completely change the way you work.

You see, all day we are constantly maintaining and regaining energy. We get pulled off task, distracted, our energy dips and it’s easy to go down the rabbit hole for a while before we realize what just happened.

And more importantly, for us high achiever types, we typically only know a couple ways to get back on task. We either work harder or work faster.

Grit and getting shit done is an important asset and it can also lead to anxiety, overwhelm, and burnout if we’re not careful.

These shifts made consistently accumulate over time.

In this show, I dive into how we can start listening to our environment and our internal queues so we can stop trying to just power through and achieving with more ease. 

These shifts are:

  1. Give because you can, not because you expect something in return
  2. Stop doubting and checking and start trusting and giving
  3. Defy gravity – find out what you do when your energy dips and replace it with something else

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