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149: Releasing Control and Trusting The Process with Charles Eisenstein

In times of uncertainty and transition, finding a semblance of peace in the unfolding can be difficult. There have been many times on my own journey where I’ve questioned my choices, even though it seemed like the right thing to do at the moment.

Any time I’m in the midst of change, or speak with someone who is, I revisit one particular episode of the show and even offer it as sort of a prescription for those finding their way.

A while back I had Charles Eisenstein on to talk about the space between stories. Charles is a super modest guy and will even tell you himself that “I know that my books and other work comes from a deep, inspired source, but that source is not me! It is more like I’m connecting to a field of knowledge, or to a story that wants to be told. This knowledge is as much my teacher as it is anyone else’s. I’m kind of ordinary, compared to some of the amazing people I keep meeting. I’m just as much in the learning as anyone else, wandering as best I can toward “the more beautiful world my heart knows is possible,” encumbered by the programming and the wounds of our civilization.”

Charles Eisenstein is a speaker and writer focusing on themes of human culture and identity. He is the author of several books, including Sacred Economics, The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible, and Climate: A New Story which hits the shelves September 18, 2018.

This short episode dives into a few concepts I found very useful when navigating the space between stories, which at times can feel like a smashing of an old identity and the land grab for who we will become. This episode is a clip from our previous conversation.

We talk about

  • True surrender, letting go, and trusting the process of life
  • Understanding different aspects of letting go of the old story like regret, going back to the familiar, being in utter stillness, and getting excited about one thing after another and dropping them
  • How no action is insignificant
  • The illusion of power and impact
  • How the heart and the mind have their own opinion
  • The concept of morphic resonance

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“No action is insignificant.

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