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156: Goal Setting vs. Intending And Attracting

Something always bothered me about how we approach goal setting and achievement.

There is this seeming contrast of setting goals to be attained and charging forward at all costs verses intending what you want and attracting outcomes.

In the past 12 years or so the poles have moved even further apart in these two camps because of certain schools of thought when it comes to things like the law of attraction and how so many people saw it as a passive, quiet, and frankly a lazy process.

Here’s the thing though.

The real conversation is more about pushing toward a goal vs. feeling pulled to it.

It’s not about WHICH one to use. It’s about how to use it and what behind it.

When just pushing toward a goal, the concept of goal setting vs. intending and attracting looks like this:

Compulsively gripping at every second that needs to be put into achieving vs. Needing to rest because you’re spent.

When you feel pulled toward a goal, the concept of goal setting vs. intending and attracting looks like this:

Swiftly moving into action with relentless focus and determination vs. Holding an evolving vision with intention and honoring the call on your heart.

In both states, opposites exist. The goal is not to just be one sided, but to be able to access both when you need to.

But if you’re always PUSHING toward a goal, it looks like this:

Constantly having a million demands on your attention while secretly feeling like you want to just run away to the woods.

Charging forward with gusto, but having to get all hopped up on caffeine first and drink to wind down.

Needing to distract yourself with some low level coping mechanism like endless hours of TV, stuffing your face, or being tied to your phone 24/7.

And being PULLED toward a goal, looks like this:

Being clear on what’s a priority and what’s not.

Powering down at the end of a productive day to enjoy time with your friends and family.

Having a schedule that matches your creativity and flow.

Naturally making better food choices and prioritizing self-care.

Letting yourself rest because you know you’ll need it for the long game.

Being overwhelmed with gratitude at the end of the day because you completely rocked it in your own way.

Pretty stark contrast. I know.

In the later version there are still challenges. I’m NOT saying that problems disappear. That’s absolutely ridiculous and part of the whole problem with some of the schools of thought like I mentioned before.

But when you can make this shift, it becomes more of a peaceful pursuit instead of the white knuckle battle you might be fighting now.

One where you can actually exhale and feel relief.

One where you can know in your bones that you got this.

Where you close your eyes and feel that greater part of you that reaches the farthest corners of the universe.

And no matter what that YOU ARE LOVED.

And how sweet it is.

If you are a performance-driven entrepreneur and you are ready to eliminate anxiety and overwhelm and understand how to use your emotions and master your time and how to really build a life you’re proud of moving into 2020 then book a time to chat here.

On the call we’ll see how you can put these principles into practice in your life and business so you can accomplish what you want to accomplish while you build a life you’re proud of.