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168: How To Protect Your Attention Without Moving To An Island

I know I’m not the only one that’s had dreams of turning all these devices off and moving to some remote tropical island.

Although that would be nice for a hot second, it’s definitely not the solution.

But finding a way that works for you to reign back your attention is an absolute game changer!

You see, in this day and age it can seem like a luxury to turn off your phone. And not even turning it off completely, but making it so that you’re not constantly gripped with panic hearing the ding that strikes you out of your current train of thought.

And when you silence that sound, you still have a million notification badges on your screen that get your mind moving a mile a minute.

So you flip your phone face down, but somehow you still feel the irresistible lure and just can’t help yourself… you MUST turn it over and see if there’s anything important that needs to be responded to… right this second.

This can be a super slippery slope. Not only that, but that hyper feeling you feel while all this is swirling is VERY addicting.

But constantly giving in to the pull to check, respond, or even think about these things that #1 probably aren’t the most important thing right now and #2 are only watering down what you’re focused on are actually training your brain to seek distraction.

And if you’re training your brain to seek distraction then it’s understandable to crave escape. Who the heck wants to feel pulled in a million directions when you can just sip a coconut in a hammock. Right?!

Now, when you understand that at the root of distraction there’s an addicting feeling being fueled, it gives it context. And when you see that it’s easier to unhook from that emotional state and shift course to fueling more productive ways of doing and feeling.

Not just to be more productive in output but equally in peace of mind. And continuing to exercise your power of choice.

Making the choice to prioritize your own peace of mind and vision for your life over imposing unrealistic standards of being available 24/7 or on all platforms all the time.

And when you can make your own attention and the task at hand the main priority then you can start taking your days back.

Then you won’t want to run away to some island anymore.

And you’ll feel a sh*t ton more powerful too.

And you’ll start getting the right things done and start seeing results.

And then you can just choose which island you want to go for holiday. 😉

Question… How are your habits around tech? Do you let it interrupt you constantly or do you have habits in place that let you tune in and tune out when you choose?

If you’re someone who someone who at the end of the day just wants to check out and watch Netflix or just grab a drink or just be alone so nobody bothers you, then most likely you are falling prey to having to be available 24/7 and just feeling like you want to check out.

And if you’ve been struggling to grow your business because of this just head over to and book a free consult to speak with me.

Book a free consult to see if we’re a fit to help you get over the anxiety and overwhelm so you can grow your business and build a life you’re proud of.

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