Jeff Agostinelli sits down with

Jessie May Wolfe

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Jessie May Wolfe           Jessie May Wolfe          
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    125: Tapping Into Heart Centered Intelligence Through HeartRise Method with Jessie May Wolfe

    Growing up, I can remember a huge emphasis and reward placed on having a strong intellect. While having a good head on your shoulders is an essential skill, the mind is a wonderful servant, but a horrible master. It wasn’t until later in life that I realized the vast skill set of emotional intelligence and what it really means to navigate from the head to the heart.

    My guest today Jessie May Wolfe describes HeartRise as plugging into the radiant, integral, soul energy (R.I.S.E)… the electricity of the heart.

    Her presence empowers those around her. Spreading light and energy, her infectious spirit connects many beautiful souls around the world.

    With a strong creative & corporate background in fashion, publishing & marketing,

    Jessie May’s experience coaching & empowering thousands of creatives, entrepreneurs, and change-makers worldwide, along with her training in various modalities with renowned teachers, led her to develop the unique impactful HeartRise Method.

    As a speaker, mentor, and inspirational guide, Jessie May brings the HeartRise Method to organizations, communities and companies across the world.

    Her corporate clients include Soho House, Gen Art, Wework, Wanderlust, Amazon, GOOP, Westside Collective, Parachute Home, Nick Fouquet, Juice Served Here, Health-Ade, Sakara.

    Jessie May’s heart holds a torch for everyone.

    Today we’ll dive into HeartRise Method and Jessie May’s new book High On Heart: The HeartRise Method.

    In this episode you’ll learn

    • How you can win the battle between your head and your heart.
    • Identifying your negative go-to thoughts that take up precious time and energy.
    • Why the modern world is in desperate need for more heart centered intelligence.
    • Strategies to calm and quiet the incessant chatter in your mind.
    • Why it’s easier to relate and connect with others when you come from the intelligence of the heart.
    • How to release negative energy and tap into good vibrations.
    • Ways to get in touch with your breath and bring more attention to the body.
    • How to strengthen your heart so it has power over the mind.
    • How to trust and tap into your intuitive guiding source.
    • Why you shouldn’t believe everything the mind leads (or misleads) you to think.
    • How to make sure your mind is a servant to your heart’s power, and not the other way around.

    Click to Tweet Jessie May’s quote

    “People will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

    – Maya Angelou

    Connect with Jessie May and Heartrise Movement on social media

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