The Next Level with Jeff Agostinelli

The Real Cost of Distraction

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    182: The Real Cost of Distraction

    If you’ve been in business for any length of time, you know that there are always competing forces for your attention.

    From marketing your business, to dropping into your creativity, to producing the assets you need for your business, the list seems to grow more and more by the minute.

    Lately I’ve been contemplating the real cost of distraction.

    I used to think it was just the sacrifice of one task over another. But as time has gone on I’ve started to see that the true price of distraction is actually much bigger than I expected.

    When we choose to allow ourselves to be pulled away from the things we need to do in our business to move projects forward, we’re not only dropping the ball on projects and deliverables… we’re dropping the ball on our dreams and the people who depend on us.

    In this episode I unpack the real cost of distraction and some ways to combat it.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    • How to follow your own internal compass and stay true to that.
    • Some common sources of distraction and how to fortify yourself against it.
    • How your why can be one of your greatest assets to harness your attention.
    • How you can see distraction in a new way.
    • What to do first in your day so you stay focused on the most important things first.
    • Where you may still be watering your attention down with multi-tasking and how to remedy it.
    • and so much more…

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