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183: What To Do In Times of Massive Uncertainty

So we’re in a bit of a wild situation huh?

Honestly, it feels a bit surreal.

Meaning… it hasn’t really landed 100% yet.

I’m definitely taking all the necessary precautions and choosing to self-isolate until things clear up, but I’m sensitive to the fact that not everybody has that ability to be home and still lead their lives and businesses on somewhat of a normal level.

In today’s show, I wanted to offer a few ways to see this and what you can do to make it through to whatever’s next…

#1 – CONTEXT – Context is everything. In times of upheaval, stress is naturally high and most of us are on edge. Be patient with yourself and those around you. Do what you need to do to keep yourself safe. Stay informed and have enough food and supplies on hand to last a few weeks if that’s what is necessary to keep this thing contained. Realize that the whole world is in this state right now. Understand the climate and keep that in context.

#2 – MEDITATE – Finding peace and calm in the midst of all this uncertainty is massive. If you’re already a seasoned meditator focus on extending your practice to how you interact with others in your home and how you conduct yourself in your work as we transition to working remotely. If you’re not into meditation, now could be a great time to find peace in stillness. Here’s one of my favorite resources for information and recorded meditations

#3 – FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN CONTROL – Control is not really the right word here, but you get the idea. There are things in life that are way out of our control and right now there’s a lot of that. Focus on what you can do and get creative. The fact that everything is up for review right now and there is so much shifting is a massive opportunity to create something brand new. What can you do today to take back some control in your life?

#4 – GET SOME EXTRA REST – Sleep is a precious thing. Especially in these high-stress times, catching some extra Zs can go a really long way. Let yourself rest and let that be ok.

#5 – EAT HEALTHY AND SIMPLE – Regardless of your dietary preferences, now is the time to simplify and stack up on healthy foods. Drink plenty of water, eat fresh if you have room to store it, and eat less than normal. The body is better able to handle stress and any potential outside invaders when it is spending less energy on digesting.

#6 – STAY CONNECTED – For those of you who are choosing to self-isolate, it’s important that you stay connected with your friends, family and coworkers. AND… find something to talk about other than the pandemic.

#7 – TAKE INVENTORY – Real talk… are you satisfied with your life. This one is never an easy one to get real with, but crisis tends to bring this up more than anything else. If you found yourself completely unprepared for this, how can you reorganize your life so that in the future you are prepared for anything? If you have relationships in your life that aren’t ideal, when this clears up how can you move on? Take some time to have a good hard look at your life and what you have potentially settled for and what you actually want.

#8 – HAVE SOME FUN – There are so many ways we can entertain ourselves and our kids during this. I get it, my 9-year-old is home from school and it’s not super easy, but making sure that fun happens on the regular all day is SUPER HELPFUL. Kids are pretty good at this one. So you might want to let them lead this one 😉

#9 – ASK FOR HELP – If you are at all overwhelmed and unable to manage this alone then reach out to someone close to you to help you process what’s going on and look for solutions. And if you have the means to work with someone to help you pivot in your business or set things up to make it easier for you to make this shift to home smooth, then definitely don’t hesitate.

We will get through this. No one really knows how long this is going to last and that’s unsettling in and of itself. In the meantime please take care of yourself and your loved ones and do what you need to do to move life forward.

In the meantime, stay safe and support yourself and others the best you can.

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