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194: Why You Multitask, Why It’s Diluting Your Focus, and What To Do Instead

One really bad habit of most coaches and creative entrepreneurs I know is the tendency to multitask which usually leads to dropping the ball somewhere AND making mistakes.

Now, I don’t think that you should have things so lean that they’re boring, but it would make sense that you should only have what you and your team can hold. And if you can’t then you should trim the fat.

One thing that drives the need to multitask is the belief that I have too much to do. And if I can do multiple things at once, then I’ll be able to move the needle faster across the board. But the truth is… it actually moves things forward slower. Not only that but it usually also means dropping the ball in places AND leaving things half done.

So what’s the alternative?

This is where structure is key.

You definitely want to be able to really look under the hood and see why you’re spreading yourself too thin, but here’s what you can do to start creating the right structures so things get done more effectively.

Look at these 3 things… 

  1. Where am I spending my time?
  2. What activities are related to my craft and what is related to generating business?
  3. How can I adjust to create more of what I want?

In this episode, I’ll dive into these in-depth and show you some ways to unpack each of them so you can start owning your time and create more structure in your life.

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