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157: Why You’re Staying Stuck By Choice And What To Do About It

After working with a client yesterday I’ve been reflecting on this one a bit.

Have you ever told yourself on a continual basis that you needed to get better at time management, generate more leads, or consistently create content?

You know you need to be more consistent generating leads or being more active producing useful messages but you tell yourself the same thing over and over again… I’ve gotta master this time thing … I have to generate more leads… I’ve got to create some content. But if it stays in that context… the broad directive, it will just keep revolving around and never actually get done.

And the worst part is… staying stuck actually means missing out on something else. There’s an opportunity cost. Revolving around the problem and never stepping out into a specific action leads to missing out on opportunities to serve awesome people, never actually building a business that makes a difference, and sacrificing your peace of mind by not being able to unwind and recover at the end of the day.

But check this out…

These revolving problems in your business and the icky feelings that go along with them are just signals giving you information. The message is just in its infancy. It’s directing you to do something, but not to just repeat the initial message.

It’s comes in broad… generate more leads… create some content…

It’s our job to receive that message and translate it into specific actions…

Like chunking out a specific amount of time for lead generation… and defining how many pieces of content to make and why.

They’re telling you what you need to focus on and the feelings they produce are trying to get your ass to do something about it 🙂

As you start to chunk it down into specific actions as you start your day and begin to chip away… and then refine the movement as you seal the day… you’ll see progress.

And that revolving problem is quickly being resolved.

If you’re still looking for a sign telling you what to do in order to move forward, just stare down the problem, chunk it down into specific actions, and start chipping away.

If you are a performance-driven entrepreneur and you are ready to eliminate anxiety and overwhelm and understand how to use your emotions and master your time and how to really build a life you’re proud of moving into 2020 then book a time to chat here.

On the call we’ll see how you can put these principles into practice in your life and business so you can accomplish what you want to accomplish while you build a life you’re proud of.