M&M: A Perspective On Facing Adversity and An Approach To Skill Acquisition


Turn toward challenge and decide.

There are a range of responses we could have when adversity presents itself.

  • Avoid it
  • Hope it works itself out
  • Tackle it head on
  • Sit with it for a while and think about what to do 

In life and business, deciding to turn toward challenge and take the next best step could save you a lot of unnecessary stress, frustration, and worry.

Being with it long enough to take the best step is part of this, but speed of implementation matters here.

Don’t let things sit.

Again, I’m 100% for stillness and deliberate aligned action, but too many of us wait until it’s too late to act.

Once you know what your options are, decide and act.


Know your tools

When it comes to marketing and messaging, you are only as good as what you’ve mastered. There’s a concept I call systematic mastery.

Basically, it’s understanding what to do and in what order to arrive at a certain level of proficiency.

When done properly, the skill acquired at the next step stacks on the one before.

Here’s how that might look:

You know you need to improve your marketing and up the quality of your content.

And maybe you don’t know where to start.

Let’s say you decide that you want to go into the arena of producing great short-form content such as reels, YouTube Shorts, or TikToks.

Here’s what that could look like:

Step 1: Exercise the skill of creating a 60-second piece of content that makes sense, supports your ideal client, and delivers value.

Step 2: Improve the quality of said video. Maybe you work on lighting or you get a full-frame camera or you introduce variety by filming more deliberately in new settings. Here you’re taking the craft to the next level.

Step 3: Work on creating a powerful hook to open your video as well as the title, caption, and call to action. Here you’re refining the message.

Step 4: Create these videos in batches so you can produce 3 or more in one sitting.

Step 5: Outsource the editing to buy back some of your time.

At each step, you’re mastering tools of the trade.

This is a much more effective approach than the usual 

“I’ll just make more content”

No amount of not-so-great content is going to compensate for a lack of systematic mastery.

Either by yourself or with support, understand what you need to get better at and put in the reps to acquire that skill.

Results speak louder than words

I’d LOVE to hear how you’re applying these strategies and what results you’re seeing. Over the coming months, send in your story and I’ll publish it in the newsletter. When you do, let me know if you’d prefer to remain anonymous and I’ll just publish the story minus the name.

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Until next week,
Jeff Agostinelli

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