What Cause And Effect Has To Do With Faith

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Right now during this coronavirus pandemic, there’s massive uncertainty. I did a show about this on episode 183 titled  What To Do In Times of Massive Uncertainty where I talked about 9 ways to see this time of self-isolation and what you can do to make it through it.

Today I want to go beyond the physical and talk about faith.

A little bit about me… I was raised catholic. I went to catholic school for 13 years. And the icing on the cake is that my great great uncle is a saint. Well, he has one step before it’s completely official, he’s been beatified and the last step is canonization.

The long story short of it is this… I spent the vast majority of my early years rebelling against it and everything it stood for.

My freshman year of high school I literally had hundreds of detentions and a handful of Saturday detentions too. What’s even funnier is that they weren’t called detentions. They were called J.U.G.s. Which stands for Justice.Under.God.

Kind of makes you want to vomit right?

Unfortunately, no amount of rebelling is going to create the life or business you want. The universe will always give you exactly what you need. According to your belief and expectation.

The biggest lessons for me to have faith consistently are massively apparent during challenging times.

Every time I’m faced with a challenge that’s beyond my control I used to feel like I was “forced into faith.” Or so I thought.

Let me explain… 

I heard this for probably the 100th time today and it felt like someone bitchslapped me across the face.

“Every thought is the cause. Every condition is the effect.”

Dr. Joseph Murphy

Yes, we live in a world of cause and effect, but we have it backward…

So many times we look at the external circumstances as something we need to respond to, but the circumstances are just a product of our repetitive thoughts, words, actions, beliefs, and behaviors. They can’t be separated.

Right now our world is being shaken to the core. There are people who are saying we are products of biological warfare, that it’s 5G, that’s its because of the election, and a shitload of other conspiracy theories about what this actually is. Quite frankly I don’t know what it is. But here’s my question to you…

Does that even matter?

Think about it.

Do we really need to assign blame to find the solution? Do we need to know the seeming enemy in order to win?

I don’t have the ultimate answer for that one, but here’s one thing I do know. When we don’t act on that small voice that is asking us to change something… it gets louder. When we still don’t listen, avoid doing something about it, or just check out altogether, then it comes at us from the outside. 

The universe is self-organizing and cooperative. You and your desires are the same.

Every time I’ve been faced with a challenging situation and I examine what I’ve really been asking for… the mutterings under my breath, my desires, what I actually want in my life… the circumstances are always a catalyst for me to get my ass into action.

And 100% of the time I am always directed back to the basics. Back to faith.

Without fail, every time I re-establish my spiritual connection things start clicking into place.

Call it whatever you want. 

Infinite intelligence
Mother Earth
The Universe

The name doesn’t matter so much.

Robert Russell says this in God Works Through Faith…

“What he calls God is not particularly important. What he does with his belief is of supreme importance, for it determines the circumstances of his life, the conditions under which he lives.”

Through time there has been a driver for us as humans to seek to understand the existence of what’s beyond our mere physical existence. 

The result for me personally is a deep sense of peace, a swelling of love, an overflow of appreciation, and a deep knowing that all is well.

I love how Robert Russel says it in God Works Through Faith.

“It doesn’t make any difference what your problem or difficulty may be, if you will bring your faith and your feeling to bear upon it, if you will realize that right now and always, there is an Infinite Power waiting to fulfill your slightest or greatest wish, you don’t need to seek the solution. It will seek you.”

And he goes on to talk about The Law of Faith

“According to your faith be it done unto you. The Universal Response will always be in direct ratio to the degree of your expectation. To him that hath [the consciousness of fulfillment] shall be given. From him that hath not [this consciousness] shall be taken away even that which he hath. If you expect much, you will receive much. If you expect little, you will receive little.”

Right now more than ever we are being called to go inside. To dig deep into our being and to reach beyond what we have known to create something completely new.

The world as we know it is reorganizing.

Regardless of the enemy, we’re up against… your faith, your conviction, your expectation, and optimism will guide you to where you need to go. Far better than your doubts, worries or fears.

So here’s my question to you…

Where is your focus?

Are you investing your energy in what you can do or are you dwelling on loss?

Are you looking to point the finger in the direction of the enemy or are you seeking ways for you and your extended sphere of influence to win?

Are you swimming in the uncertainty of the moment or are you leaning into source knowing that all is well?

Because where you place your focus will determine what comes next.