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[Best Of] 180: Ethical Persuasion and Moving People to Action with Erin Gargan

Face to face with another individual, we have the opportunity to see their body language, tone, eye movement, and many other non-verbal cues that clue us into how to best interact. Translating your offline persona and style into the digital arena isn’t always the easiest when these subtleties are left out. I know I’ve certainly experienced this, and maybe you …

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[Best Of] 178: Navigating The Space Between Stories with Charles Eisenstein

Charles Eisenstein is a speaker and writer focusing on themes of human culture and identity. He is the author of several books, most recently Sacred Economics and The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible. His background includes a degree in mathematics and philosophy from Yale, a decade in Taiwan as a translator, and stints as a college instructor, …

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177: High Resistance Equals High Return

Have you ever heard yourself say that you would never do something but then you ended up doing it and loved it? Or have you ever had a client or friend who was completely against something you strongly believed in but then ended up being your biggest advocate? I was in a client session last week when I heard myself …

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176: How to Get Clear and On Purpose NOW

Have you ever caught yourself sitting in a place where you’re waiting to be completely clear before taking action? Whether you’re up against resistance or just stuck in a place of not knowing the right thing to do, staying in either of these places too long can knock you out of the game. There’s been so many times where I’ve …

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174: How To Consistently Get Into Action

I was having a conversation with someone today at a meeting and after chatting with her this became super clear. We were talking about different phases of a business and how the start up phase can be super stressful and even how the success of the business can be measured by our ability to manage and hold that chaos long …

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173: Focus On The Effort NOT The Outcome

I heard Dr. Joe Dispenza answer a student’s question with this statement: “Focus on the effort, not the outcome.” At first I thought that sounded a little strange. I always hear the opposite. But the more I practice this the more useful it’s proving to be to get out of some of my old ways of being and focus on …

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172: STOP wishing it was easy. Do this instead.

I’m just going to come right out and say it… If you’re hoping things would just get easier then you’re not cut out to be an entrepreneur. Ok, now that we got that out of the way… The truth is it’s tough. Every day comes with a new set of problems. – Websites need maintenance.– Client have problems.– People drop …

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171: What Running Taught Me About Goals

I was doing my bi-weekly track workout with a buddy this morning and we were chatting about goals. A couple of years ago I set the intention to let running teach me about goals. MAN what a fricken teacher. Especially when you test the limits in the right way. But you know what one of the biggest lessons has been? …