I remember when I started to transition over to more of a natural diet and lifestyle. Making the choice to live a more natural, toxin-free lifestyle can be an overwhelming task. If you’ve made this switch, you probably know what I mean. When it comes to healthy and vibrant skin we’re taught to achieve that through the outside in. It …
134: Understanding Your Unique Code with Adam Roa
If you look at nature, every organism has it’s role. In modern times, we’ve become the exception. From early on, we are taught to conform, to blend in. After starting over at zero financially, after what many would consider a failed acting career, Adam Roa experienced a series of events that eventually led him to the moment of enough is …
133: The Power of Personal Integrity and Unraveling What Haunts You with Lauren Zander
In the spirit of switching things up, I thought it would be fun to turn the tables and unpack some of my coaching experience with Lauren Zander. Lauren was on the show back on episode 069 to talk about her book Maybe It’s You, and today she is back to help unpack a little bit about the coaching process and …
132: The Real Science and Practice of Networking with David Burkus
Imagine this… you walk into a room and you’re expected to interact with people in a way that feels completely unnatural. You constantly have to answer the question that instantly creates pressure in your body… So, what do you do? I’m not sure where it happened, but somewhere along the way we started to treat our professional lives as something …
131: How to Turn Ordinary Everyday Experiences Into Extraordinary Inner Strengths with Rick Hanson
With the rate of change and the pace at which we as individuals and society are evolving, cultivating inner strength is a venture worth pursuing especially if you want to be equipped to handle life’s challenges and develop true self-reliance. My guest today, Rick Hanson, was on the show back on episode 059 to talk about his book Buddha’s Brain: The …
130: Staying Centered, Tending To Your Personal Vibration, And Living In Your Home Frequency with Penney Peirce
It’s pretty tough to deny the fact that we are influenced by unseen forces, energies and frequencies that we can’t fully explain or describe from the rational mind. Frequencies, energy, and even emotion are an experience. Giving more attention to how we feel and tending to our personal vibration and choosing to come from what Penney calls our home frequency …
129: Understanding Your Adult Attachment Style with Sarah Sherwood
I invited Sarah Sherwood back on the show today to talk about adult attachment theory and adult attachment styles. I’m relatively new to attachment theory, but the little I have dug into it helped me start understanding my own patterns of relating and why they exist. The basic understanding of this theory is that how you regulate and experience yourself …
128: The Art of Empathy with Karla McLaren
People in the academic realm, like many other areas of study, can’t seem to agree on what empathy actually is. Simply put, my guest today Karla McLaren’s goal with her work on empathy is not to contend, necessarily agree with or go against any of the research, but merely to make empathy accessible to regular people out in the world …
127: Connection, Freedom, Spirituality, Darkness and Light with Singer/Songwriter Trevor Hall
One of the most effective ways for me personally to drop into a different state is to turn on some tunes. Like life, I have my seasons in the days, weeks, and months where I’ll gravitate to different styles of music as if it’s conditioning a particular state of being. A few years back I stumbled on a song that …
126: Have The Vision, Patience, and Perspective Of An Eagle
In this week’s episode I wanted to share a little story with you because I realized in the last few weeks as I’ve been navigating some personal challenges in my life as well as some things in business that I found myself over focusing on the details… let’s call it the problem, the circumstances and trying to move around the …